Your Priestess Gifts

by | Oct 6, 2020

When you decide to step into your Priestess energy there’s so much that will open up for you. It’s all the things you have buried deep inside and felt an inexplicable yearning for: your true self, your soul gifts, your soul mission.

The thing is that the layers of fear and self-doubt can cloud our perception. We think it’s just a nice image or fantasy that can’t be translated into our current life.

When I started to walk this path, I could feel the strength of my inner Priestess. I could see myself standing on a mountain top in front of an ancient Atlantean healing temple embodying my Priestess gifts. And I knew that this is ME. This is all I want to do in this life!

But my fears and the fears of my ancestral line kept me from fully stepping into this powerful knowing for a long time (8 years actually).

When I finally surrendered and embraced these shadows, my gifts started to strengthen and new ones came in. Here’s just a few of the things that changed:

    • My clairvoyance and clairsentience got stronger, as did my connection with my guides, and my trust in my natural perception of many energetic layers deepened.
    • I could see the value of my gifts from a higher perspective. Fields of pure love, peace and compassion are rare on planet Earth. Everyone who holds and anchors the light brings change.
    • My connection with nature and my spirit animals and plant spirits got much stronger. Now every time I go for a walk I will connect in with at least one tree and I can feel the bigger purpose in doing so. Usually the wisdom they share will give me a bigger perspective and naturally flow into the rest of my life.
    • I have a stronger connection to my vision and soul mission and I don’t doubt myself (as much) any more. The fear of judgment, ridicule or attacks used to stop me in my tracks. Now I’m aligned with my path and I know why and for whom I do what I do. I will always come back to this focus. It’s been such a liberation.
    • As I have opened up to the divine feminine energies and wisdom I have become much more gentle with myself. I choose to trust my own pace, even if it seems to be super slow and even if sometimes I need a lot of alone time and self-care to keep a good balance. This makes me feel much more gentle, loving and playful towards myself and others and I love that!

If your inner Priestess keeps nudging you to get in touch with her, it’s because she has been guarding your most precious gifts and she knows it’s time for you to use them. It’s time to step into the most powerful version of yourself and make the longings of your soul a reality.

It can feel super intimidating, but you’ll know it deep in your heart. I don’t want you to stay stuck in your fears or self-doubt for as long as I did, because I know you can’t resist your path anyway. It just hurts more to deny your truth for too long.

I would love to welcome you into the Priestess Sanctuary so that you can receive the loving support you need to trust your next steps, release the old fears and embody your true powerful self.

Read all the details here.

Book a free Sacred Connection Call, if you’d like to have a chat before stepping into this container.