Channeled Message from Mother Earth – April 2022

by | Apr 6, 2022

Welcome to April!

( Go directly to channeled message )

On March 31st I felt the collective energy shift big time again and so I sat down and asked: What do I need to know for the month ahead? What can I share that supports my tribe, my circle of priestesses, everyone who happens to come across my creations, sharings or offerings?

This channeled message that you can read a bit further down is what came through. I like to let messages like these land and take them in myself first so that I know that it is truly adding something of value for anyone who happens to come across it. And I really feel like it does.

Every time I come back to it, there’s something else that sinks in. Little pieces of information that let me understand a bit better what I find myself going through and what I see many others, especially women, going through right now:

This feeling of the unknown in front of us, of not receiving as much guidance as we used to, and this pull to drop inwards despite the voice in our head that tells us to “do something”, “be productive” etc.

I sincerely hope there’s something in there for you – the sweet nectar of love and nourishment from mother Earth. And if you feel a resonance, maybe allow yourself come back to this message and read it a few more times as the coming weeks unfold.

Before you dive in, I’d like to drop in a piece of information in for those of you who are not in a female body, who don’t have a physical womb (any more) or who feel somewhat distant to their female organs: if it feels like something you would like to explore, I invite you to play with the idea of being able to connect to your energetic womb – and see what happens.

As always, please take only what resonates and leave the rest. May this message find you well and offer you love, clarity and reassurance on your path:


Channeled Message from Mother Earth & the Earth Spirits:

„Step out of the need to know and into the sphere of your womb where you always know yet do not (need to) put it into words or speak about it.

Come home in the dark cave and rest as much and as long as you need to. You have gone through such harsh two years. No matter what’s going on outside, that spring is coming in the Northern hemisphere, you are in deep need of nourishment.

The whole world is in deep need of divine feminine, earthly, motherly nourishment. And this cannot be understood, it can only be felt and received and accepted and digested and processed.

You’re in this process collectively of allowing yourselves to find nourishment that is truly in alignment with your soul.

You’re all learning to find back home to the mother in you and the mother of all who holds and nourishes you. This takes time. Allow it to be a gentle process.

Allow yourself to rest, to digest, to take it slow, to be with others and take it slow together, to marvel at the shifts and changes together, even if they feel scary because they take you into the unknown and cannot be put into words – by no one.

No one on Earth can anticipate the changes right now. No one can accurately predict what’s going to happen, how it’s going to unfold.

And this is a big shift for you into the unknown, into full responsibility of yourself, of coming back home in yourself and learning to trust your instincts, trust each other and do this together.

Fear will make everything worse. Running and hiding or fighting to survive will make things pretty painful and that is not necessary or meant to happen.

Plug out of the news and into higher consciousness on Earth. Feel the connection with everything and everyone and the undercurrent, the web of life that is carrying and loving and supporting all of you.

You can relax. It’s over now. The worst is far behind. The only thing you need to do is teach your mind to come along and guide you into unity and connection, to release the fear and look for the sights that it is okay and safe to choose a different way, to choose connection.

This is a process and it will take a long, long time. Don’t despair when you look at the world stage. Instead come back and look around.

Look at the people who love you and have been with you through the ups and downs. Look at the people who have been building bridges, teaching about peace, tending to the Earth, creating new pathways for years and years even if they were ridiculed as dreamers.

So many planted seeds 50, 60, 70 years ago that have been slowly growing and ripening now.

So don’t despair. Look in gratitude to these pioneers and listen to your heart. Which path are you going to create? With whom are you going to join forces to build the world you long for?

And always remember: come back for rest. Come back for nourishment. Come back for joy and play.

The new Earth will be completely different in a way and it starts with you now. It starts with these simple practices of rest, of joy, of slowing down.

And you are so many already. It should be easy to create sacred gatherings for rest and to just be together.

Join each other in sacred endeavours and soak in the beauty of these times of change. You are not alone and you will be finding your home on Earth now.

You will find your kindred spirits and everything will shift. Just be open for it and receive.

We love you so much and we bless you on your path.

Mother Earth & the Earth Keepers & Spirits


If you enjoyed this message, please pass it on to members of your soul family who might resonate as well. Thank you so much!

In case the priestess path has been calling you and you long for some guidance and support, here’s some information on how we can co-create some magic together:

Priestess Activation. Your time is now.


This is a beautiful, powerful container that will hold and support you in your unfolding as a Priestess / Healer / Witch / Wild Woman in this current time. Step in and embrace your divine feminine essence, and gain a deeper understanding of your mission in this life.

If this calls you, read all about the 3+ months Priestess Activation and then let’s connect!


Lemuria Nature Retreat


The Lemuria Nature Retreat, an online gathering for messengers of nature and nature lovers, is going to take place again this summer. If you would like to be notified when doors are open, please sign up for my newsletter below and you’ll be among the first to receive the invitation.

♡ Trust the Longings of Your Heart ♡

It’s time to be who you truly are.